Truth Exposed
Chain of Command
Black Pope Arturo Sosa (the top)
The Pope Francis (born Jorge Mario Bergoglio) (second in command)
All Old Wealth Families from all western countries
All western global banking systems
Top wealthiest western world companies and their owners, majority stock holders and top board members
Heads of States, Monarchies from all western world countries
Agencies of all western world country governments
Blackmailed politicians from all western world governments
Celebrities from all over the world except from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran
Global assets in EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, EXCEPT …………. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.
These assets are the worker bees that do everything from
laundering currency. to assassinations and everything the Deep State requires. These are the dark assets that are nameless and invisible all over most of the world. Black Pope is the boss of the entire Deep State.
All of the above are members of sacred secret societies some of which date back to ancient times.
They control the majority of wealth on earth and use this vast wealth to protect their most valuable possession. The sacred and secret books of esoteric knowledge. Their wealth and all their control is rooted in evil and they all obey Lucifer
They control all space, earth, atmosphere, sea, fresh water, food, education, science, medicine and media around what we think planet earth is…….. all with few exceptions. They control ALL WARS AND ALWAYS HAVE FROM ANCIENT TIMES.
There is genetic differences in those at the top of the pyramid. They are descendants of the very first evil of humanity. Their children all carry this genetic marker of evil. They have been in control since man first sinned.
Earth is an infinite plane and we live in small portion in a paradise with 7 continents and lots of sea surrounded by an ice wall with several openings to come and go from our paradise. The few who have ventured out these openings rarely return.
The rest of the infinite ♾️ plane goes on in all directions from the the North Star at the center of our universe above the hidden mountain at the so called North Pole called Rupes Nigra (Black Rock) to forever. We live in the center of the universe. The entire infinite plane has an atmosphere that is sealed in by a barrier of water that separates the universe from the heavenly bodies above.
All life in the universe is found here on this plane. We have stars or lights but no planets. The Space all above the water barrier is nothing forever. There is only earth and sky, there is no space, only heavenly bodies that rotate around the the North Star known as the center of our universe.
This is just a fraction of the TRUTH. Over time there will be much more to share ……. .Q